The Github Repository has the C driver program for operating a Bosch BNO055 IMU sensor via I2C on a Raspberry Pi. I used it with a GY-BNO055 and a Adafruit BNO055. On the GY-BNO055, I had to bridge two solder pads for enabling I2C mode, because serial mode was default. Later I switched to Adafruit for the superior quality and the onboard 5V-level support.
I2C bus connection
Connecting the GY-BNO055 sensor to the Raspberry Pi I2C bus, the sensor responds with the slave address 0x29. The Adafruit sensor responds by default under 0x28.
root@pi-ws01:/home/pi# i2cdetect -y 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Code compilation
Compiling the test program:
root@pi-ws01:/home/pi/bno055# make
cc -O3 -Wall -g -c -o i2c_bno055.o i2c_bno055.c
cc -O3 -Wall -g -c -o getbno055.o getbno055.c
cc i2c_bno055.o getbno055.o -o getbno055
Example output
Running the program, extracting the sensor version and configuration information:
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055 -t inf
BN0055 Information at Sun Nov 11 14:09:47 2018
Chip Version ID = 0xA0
Accelerometer ID = 0xFB
Gyroscope ID = 0x0F
Magnetoscope ID = 0x32
Software Version = 3.17
Operations Mode = NDOF_FMC_OFF
Power Mode = NORMAL
Axis Configuration = X==X Y==Y Z==Z (ENU)
Axis Remap Sign = X+ Y+ Z+
System Status Code = Sensor running with fusion algorithm
Accelerometer Test = OK
Magnetometer Test = OK
Gyroscope Test = OK
MCU Cortex M0 Test = OK
System Error Code = No Error
Acceleration Unit = m/s2
Gyroscope Unit = dps
Euler Unit = Degrees
Temperature Unit = Celsius
Orientation Mode = Windows
Sensor Temperature = 29°C
Accelerometer Power = NORMAL
Accelerometer Bwidth = 7.81Hz
Accelerometer GRange = 2G
Accelerometer Sleep = event-driven, 0.5ms
Sensor System Calibration = Fully calibrated
Gyroscope Calibration = Fully calibrated
Accelerometer Calibration = Minimal Calibrated
Magnetometer Calibration = Fully calibrated
Running the program, showing the sensor calibration state and offset values:
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055 -t cal
sys [S:3] acc [S:1 X:0 Y:65534 Z:65528 R:1000] mag [S:3 X:65428 Y:65424 Z:65476 R:656] gyr [S:3 X:65534 Y:0 Z:1]
Changing the operational mode, e.g. to CONFIG:
pi@pi-ws01:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055 -v -m config
Debug: arg -s, value config
Debug: ts=[1539005771] date=Mon Oct 8 22:36:11 2018
Debug: Sensor Address: [0x28]
Debug: Write opr_mode: [0x00] to register [0x3D]
Resetting the sensor:
pi@pi-ws01:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055 -v -r
Debug: arg -r, value (null)
Debug: ts=[1539005864] date=Mon Oct 8 22:37:44 2018
Debug: Sensor Address: [0x28]
Debug: BNO055 Sensor Reset complete
Writing calibration data to file
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055 -t cal -w bno.cfg
sys [S:3] acc [S:1 X:0 Y:65534 Z:65528 R:1000] mag [S:3 X:65428 Y:65424 Z:65476 R:656] gyr [S:3 X:65534 Y:65535 Z:1]
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ ls -l bno.cfg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pi pi 22 Nov 11 14:17 bno.cfg
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ od -A x -t x1 -v bno.cfg
000000 00 00 fe ff f8 ff 94 ff 90 ff c4 ff fe ff ff ff
000010 01 00 e8 03 90 02
Reading Data
NDOF fusion mode, Euler angles
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055 -t eul
EUL 233.00 -3.12 -15.94
Program usage:
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055
Usage: getbno055 [-a hex i2c-addr] [-m <opr_mode>] [-t acc|gyr|mag|eul|qua|lin|g ra|inf|cal] [-r] [-w calfile] [-l calfile] [-o htmlfile] [-v]
Command line parameters have the following format:
-a sensor I2C bus address in hex, Example: -a 0x28 (default)
-b I2C bus to query, Example: -b /dev/i2c-1 (default)
-d dump the complete sensor register map content
-m set sensor operational mode. mode arguments:
config = configuration mode
acconly = accelerometer only
magonly = magnetometer only
gyronly = gyroscope only
accmag = accelerometer + magnetometer
accgyro = accelerometer + gyroscope
maggyro = magetometer + gyroscope
amg = accelerometer + magnetometer + gyroscope
imu = accelerometer + gyroscope fusion -> rel. orientation
compass = accelerometer + magnetometer fusion -> abs. orientation
m4g = accelerometer + magnetometer fusion -> rel. orientation
ndof = accelerometer + mag + gyro fusion -> abs. orientation
ndof_fmc = ndof, using fast magnetometer calibration (FMC)
-p set sensor power mode. mode arguments:
normal = required sensors and MCU always on (default)
low = enter sleep mode during motion inactivity
suspend = sensor paused, all parts put to sleep
-r reset sensor
-t read and output sensor data. data type arguments:
acc = Accelerometer (X-Y-Z axis values)
gyr = Gyroscope (X-Y-Z axis values)
mag = Magnetometer (X-Y-Z axis values)
eul = Orientation E (H-R-P values as Euler angles)
qua = Orientation Q (W-X-Y-Z values as Quaternation)
gra = GravityVector (X-Y-Z axis values)
lin = Linear Accel (X-Y-Z axis values)
inf = Sensor info (23 version and state values)
cal = Calibration data (mag, gyro and accel calibration values)
continuous = continuous data-eul
-l load sensor calibration data from file, Example -l ./bno055.cal
-w write sensor calibration data to file, Example -w ./bno055.cal
-o output sensor data to HTML table file, requires -t, Example: -o ./bno055.html
-h display this message
-v enable debug output
Note: The sensor is executing calibration in the background, but only in fusion mode.
Usage examples:
./getbno055 -a 0x28 -t inf -v
./getbno055 -t cal -v
./getbno055 -t eul -o ./bno055.html
./getbno055 -m ndof
./getbno055 -w ./bno055.cal
The sensor register data can be dumped out with the "-d" argument:
pi@nanopi-neo2:~/pi-bno055 $ ./getbno055 -d
BNO055 page-0:
reg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
[0x00] A0 FB 32 0F 11 03 15 00 71 FF B1 00 B5 03 44 FE
[0x10] FB 32 0F 11 03 15 00 71 FF B1 00 B5 03 44 FE BE
[0x20] 32 0F 11 03 15 00 71 FF B1 00 B5 03 44 FE BE 02
[0x30] 0F 11 03 15 00 71 FF B1 00 B5 03 44 FE BE 02 6A
[0x40] 11 03 15 00 6F FF B1 00 C2 03 44 FE BE 02 6A FD
[0x50] 03 15 00 6F FF B1 00 C2 03 44 FE BE 02 6A FD FE
[0x60] 15 00 6F FF B1 00 C2 03 44 FE BE 02 6A FD FE FF
[0x70] 00 6F FF B1 00 C2 03 44 FE BE 02 6A FD FF FF FF
BNO055 page-1:
reg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
[0x00] 00 03 05 00 0C 00 00 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00
[0x10] 03 05 00 0C 00 00 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00 00
[0x20] 05 00 0C 00 00 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 14
[0x30] 00 0C 00 00 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 03
[0x40] 0C 00 00 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 03 0F
[0x50] 00 00 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 03 0F C0
[0x60] 00 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 03 0F C0 0A
[0x70] 01 0D 6D 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 03 0F C0 0A 0B